Why coconut wax?
We believe that coconut wax is the healthiest for our bodies, most sustainable for the earth, the cleanest burning on the market and it holds scent extremely well.
Do coconut candles smell of coconuts?
Coconut wax is made by first collecting coconuts and then cold pressing the oil out of the meat of the coconut. That coconut oil is then turned in to coconut wax through the process of hydrogenation which extracts the smell of coconuts. Unless you order a coconut scented candle, there will be no smell of coconuts!
Am I allowed to use Lytham Candles if I have a nut allergy?
We contacted our supplier and they have confirmed that due to the product not being consumed it is not an allergen. We have done some research of our own and coconuts are not officially a nut therefore a nut allergy would not apply.
What is tunnelling?
Tunnelling is when the wax hasn’t burnt to the outer edges of the container. Candles are very good at remembering their burn path! Therefore if you burn your candle for 10 minutes and it creates a little pool of wax, the next time the candle is burnt it will follow the same path, burn poorly and quickly. It is therefore important to start burning your Lytham Candle when you know it can be left alight for an hour or two to ensure that the wax pool reaches the outer edge of the container.
What are your wicks made from?
All our wicks are lead-free and made from cotton.
What do I do if my candle is smoking?
The primary cause of black smoke is an overly long wick. When a candle burns, the wax near the flame melts and the liquid wax is pulled up the wick to feed the flame. If the wick is too long, the balance of heat and fuel will be off. This throws off the chemical reaction and can produce excess soot and smoke. Trimming wicks to between 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch before you light the candle is the easiest way to prevent black smoke.
I can’t find the scent that am after
Email lythamcandles@gmail.com and we can help you with your scent request. We are able to make 99% of requests for different scents.